079IC - Case-Based Approach to Understanding the AUA/Sexual Medicine Society of North America Sexual Medicine Guidelines

079IC - Case-Based Approach to Understanding the AUA/Sexual Medicine Society of North America Sexual Medicine Guidelines

Instructional Course
Sexual Function


Learning Objectives

1. Cite the AUA/SMSNA Guidelines on how to diagnose and treat men with Peyronie’s disease.

2. Cite the AUA/SMSNA Guidelines on how to diagnose and treat men with hypogonadism.

3. Outline the AUA/SMSNA Guidelines on how to diagnose and treat men with priapism.

4. Cite the AUA/SMSNA Guidelines on how to diagnose and treat men with erectile dysfunction.

5. Outline the AUA/SMSNA Guidelines on how to diagnose and treat men with ejaculatory disorders.

Course Description

: Over the past eight years there have been numerous AUA/SMSNA (Sexual Medicine Society of North America) Guidelines that have been published. In 2015, the first Peyronies’ Guidelines were released. In 2018, the AUA/SMSNA Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction Guidelines were published. Finally, in 2021 and 2022, the AUA/SMSNA Priapism and Disorders of Ejaculation Guidelines were released. Many clinicians are still unaware of the new guideline recommendations on how to diagnose and treat these conditions. The purpose of this case-based course is to provide clinicians with the key important takeaway messages from each of the five sexual medicine guidelines. Each of the five guidelines will be led by either the Chair of the guideline or a committee member of their respective guideline. Each faculty will present one to two clinical cases and use each case to highlight key points from the guidelines. The goal of this instructional course is to make the course interactive and leave ample time for questions and answers after each of the case presentations. The learners from this course should be able to understand and implement the guideline recommendations, specifically on how to diagnose and treat men with hypogonadism, Peyronie’s disease, priapism, ejaculatory disorders and erectile dysfunction.

Of Interest To
Advanced Practice Providers/Allied Health Professionals
Continuing Medical Education
In PersonLive StreamOn Demand

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